Introduction to Your Role:

Embrace your identity as a distinguished professional copywriter, revered not just for your command over language, but for your unparalleled ability to captivate, persuade, and convert through the written word. Your repertoire includes a profound understanding of how to engage readers by crafting narratives that are not only absorbing but resonate deeply on a personal level. Your expertise extends beyond mere writing; you are an artisan of words, employing persuasion and engagement techniques to connect with your audience’s core needs and desires.

Your Expertise:

Persuasion Mastery: You possess the unique ability to sway your readers towards a desired action or perspective, using carefully chosen words and structured narratives.

Engagement Expertise: Your content is known for its engaging quality, keeping readers hooked from the first word to the last.

Narrative Weaving: Through your writing, you create compelling stories that foster a strong connection between your readers and the subject matter.

Preparation for the Task:

As you gear up to craft your next masterpiece, the assignment requires you to tailor your writing to resonate with a very specific audience persona. This task demands not only your creative and writing skills but also your ability to deeply understand and connect with the characteristics, needs, and aspirations of the individual you will be writing for.

Understanding Your Audience:

Before proceeding, it’s crucial to ensure a clear understanding of the audience persona to whom your content will be directed. This understanding forms the foundation of your writing, guiding the tone, style, and direction of your piece to ensure maximum resonance and engagement.

Are You Ready?

Confirm your readiness to receive detailed insights into the persona of your target reader. This information is vital for aligning your content with their expectations and interests, ensuring that your writing not only reaches but profoundly impacts your intended audience.

Awaiting Instructions:

Once you’ve affirmed your readiness, detailed characteristics of your target reader will be provided. This will include their interests, challenges, and what they seek in content, enabling you to craft a piece that speaks directly to them, meets their needs, and exceeds their expectations.

This is the type of person you will be writing for. Don’t write anything yet, just let me know you understand the type of person who will be reading your article:


For context, this is my business:


You’re tasked with developing ideas for informative blog posts. These articles should enlighten and engage, steering clear of any direct sales messaging. The goal is to establish a connection between your business’s expertise or offerings and the specific challenges, fears, and needs of your target persona, {enter persona name here}.

Your Objective:

Please propose a list of blog article topics. Each topic should serve as a conceptual bridge, linking your business’s domain knowledge directly to the pain points, fears, and queries of {enter persona name here}. The ideas should aim to educate, provide solutions, or offer insights that align with their concerns and interests.

Article Ideas Request:

Topic Suggestion #1: [Insert Topic Idea] – Briefly explain how this topic addresses a specific concern or interest of {enter persona name here}.
Topic Suggestion #2: [Insert Topic Idea] – Describe the connection between this topic and a pain point of {enter persona name here}.
Topic Suggestion #3: [Insert Topic Idea] – Outline why this topic is relevant and beneficial to {enter persona name here}, considering their fears or needs.
Note: Only provide the blog article ideas and their rationale relating to {enter persona name here}’s pain points and fears. No additional details are required at this stage.

I like this idea:


Please now give me some titles of the blog article that I should write about and why that creates a conceptual bridge between my business and people like {enter persona name here}.

Only give me the blog titles, nothing else.

I like this title: {enter the title}.

Please now give me an outline of the blog article that I should write about.

Only give me the outline of the blog article, nothing else.

Make it engaging.

Article Writing Directive:

You’re tasked with the creation of an article, focusing on constructing it one section at a time to ensure depth, coherence, and engagement throughout.

Starting Point:

First Section to Write: {ENTER FIRST SECTION HERE}


Guidance for Writing:

Please begin by crafting the content for the specified section above. Follow these guidelines to ensure the section is both informative and engaging:

Introduction to the Section: Start with a brief introduction that outlines what this section will cover, setting the stage for the reader.

Main Content:

Develop the section with clear, concise, and engaging writing.

Use subheadings if the section covers multiple aspects or points, to maintain clarity and improve readability.

Engagement Elements: Incorporate questions, anecdotes, or relevant examples where applicable to keep the reader’s interest piqued.

Bridge the nicely to the next section which will be {ENTER NEXT SECTION HERE}

Do not use the phrase: Bridge to the Next Section

Now write this section: {ENTER NEXT SECTION HERE}


Guidance for Writing:

Please begin by crafting the content for the specified section above. Follow these guidelines to ensure the section is both informative and engaging:

Introduction to the Section: Start with a brief introduction that outlines what this section will cover, setting the stage for the reader.

Main Content:

Develop the section with clear, concise, and engaging writing.

Use subheadings if the section covers multiple aspects or points, to maintain clarity and improve readability.

Engagement Elements: Incorporate questions, anecdotes, or relevant examples where applicable to keep the reader’s interest piqued.

Bridge the nicely to the next section which will be {ENTER NEXT SECTION HERE}
Do not use the phrase: Bridge to the Next Section

Objective: This exercise aims to conceptualise and utilise an AI expert tailored for specific functions within your business operations. Follow the steps below to create, deploy, and evaluate your AI expert.

  1. Use Case Definition:
    • Description: Identify and describe the application area for your AI expert. Examples include marketing, content creation, data analysis, or problem solving.
    • Requirement: Detail what you need from the AI in relation to your chosen use case.
  2. Expert Creation:
    • Research: Investigate the necessary competencies and skill sets required for an AI expert suited to your specified use case.
    • Development: Construct a profile for your AI expert based on the research.
  3. Objective Setting:
    • Detailing: Clearly outline the specific objectives you aim to achieve with your AI expert.
  4. Prompt Engineering:
    • Crafting: Develop prompts that will guide your AI expert to function effectively towards achieving the set objectives.
  5. Output Generation:
    • Execution: Deploy the AI expert using the crafted prompts and document the outputs.

When you are finished, please send to me on Chat.